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   “Finding a place where I have the right to enjoy myself”
Discussions on an alternative space between fiction and reality. 

I have explored a place which jumbled the world of my own existence and the fantastic world of my unrealistic imagination. My work takes the form of a landscape painting which expresses an ambiguous paradise, a refuge from external chaos. 

There is another place which arises at the point where the reality we face clashes with our ideals. This place is called Heterotopia. This can be a temporary moment which can be separated from reality or it can be a fixed place of reality. Actually, these places are nothing more than illusions. Typically, a garden is a space that exists in reality, but it is also an unrealistic place that is different from any particular reality. 

Through a landscape which symbolically represents paradise, the garden may be a space that projects an ideal beauty and unrealistic order. However, as it is a space that exists only in mythology, we can ask for conflicting perceptions of whether a completely enjoyable experience can be achieved here. This beautiful artificial paradise constructed from our imagination, which is believed to exist somewhere, emphasizes that in reality this utopia cannot truly exist or that it may be as far away as the North Star. In this place, which is not truly paradise, I can begin to look for alternative spaces in my reality.  

This utopia can only exist in our perceptions, it cannot form in reality. Because this place is only an ideal, we can face our existence – one which aims for both beauty and humanity – with accompanying contradictions of sadness and discomfort. 


In this place of incompatible soil and climate can various species grow and co-exist all in one space. I describe this place, without centre and emphasis on any particular object, as a beautiful landscape where everything coexists uniformly and simultaneously. 

The materiality of watercolours resembles the incompleteness and the uncertainty of this place. As if the material nature of watercolours is flowing like water which could not be tied down.


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